Brenda has had her eyes set on the beauty industry since she was sixteen and she’s never looked back. Now with years of life experience, her focus is still set on making sure her clients’ hair is great, while also being a great wife, mom, and human being. She chats with us and shares a glimpse into her life, as well as life lessons she’s picked up on the way.
GOAT: Run us through your daily routine. How important is it for you to have pockets of time for yourself?
Brenda: My daily routine includes a workout if I have the time. I get my son ready for school, then prepare myself for work! Mornings are the busiest time, but I’m also the most productive.
Pockets of time for myself are extremely important. As an introvert, I need this time to reset and get my energy back. Carving out time for exercise is essential for me. I am a much happier person when I do so! Not just for my physical but, more importantly, my mental health.
GOAT: Name three songs that capture your everyday mood.
Brenda: This is hard! Don’t have any really. I do love electronic, specifically house music!
GOAT: Out of more than 20 years of working with hair, what life lessons have you learned along the way that you’ve kept with you?
Brenda: Patience and humility. And to never stop learning. Patience in that everything takes time – so I’ve learned to be gentle with myself. Rushing things has never led me anywhere productive. Always be humble, there is always room for growth.
GOAT: Who are your role models in life, and why?
Brenda: Don’t have any specific individuals. But I am surrounded by a strong group of friends/co-workers who always inspire me.
GOAT: How much do you value the relationships you’ve built in the chair over the years?
Brenda: I can’t put into words how much I appreciate this. It’s a blessing to have known such great people throughout the years. It makes work easy! And I genuinely look forward to chatting with everyone. And doing their hair!
GOAT: When do you know that a friendship has blossomed with a client?
Brenda: When we talk, talk about anything
GOAT: As an introvert, how do you manage to make each conversation interesting for you and your friend?
Brenda: The conversations with clients are easy! I’m really good at small talk. Being an introvert doesn’t affect me in the way it would when I face a larger audience, or have to speak in front of a group. One-on-one convo is my jam!
GOAT: What are your thoughts on work-life balance?
Brenda: Work-life balance is non-negotiable, especially since I have become a mom. I am a better mother and employee when there is adequate time for each. Life is too short to work it all away!
GOAT: Out of all the different hats you’ve worn, which one do you want to be remembered by the most?
Brenda: Being a good mother to my son. A good wife to my husband. And a good, kind human.
Contact us here or call us at 403-407-1222 to book an appointment with Brenda.